
Blue whales can be found in all oceans except the Arctic ocean.

Defense against predators…

Because of its enormous size, There is hardly any animals that dare even try to hunt this beautiful creature, apart from the Orcinus orca(Killer whale)

In such cases, the blue whale would simply slap killer whales with its powerful tail or just swim away.

But, The Blue whale considers the Orcinus Orca, more of a pest than a predator.

Scientific name…

Balaenoptera musculus is the scientific name of The Blue Whale.

Balaenoptera means winged creature which is referring to the whale’s dorsal fins

And Musculus means mouse, but little.\


Blue whales can grow up to an astonishing 80 to 100 feet long and was and still is the biggest animal ever known to exist


Blue whales are known to engulf up to 6 tonnes of krill each day.

It is said that The Blue whale is very friendly and has never been known to attack humankind.

Krill are small crustaceans of the order of the Euphausiacea and are found in all oceans 

Weight and length...

This amazing creature can reach up to a length of 100 feet and can weigh a whopping 200 tonnes!

Interesting facts…

The blue whale has the biggest heart of all creatures ever to exist

Disgustingly enough, the Blue whale does fart 

Whale vomit is used in perfume.

Whales have never been known to be sleeping.

You can use Blue whales accumulated earwax, to tell their age 

What we can do to prevent them from ever going extinct...

Stop littering and be mindful of where we put our rubbish.

Overall summary…

the Blue whale definitely holds some world record for animals and this creature is just so amazing.

I would really like to investigate what Blue Whale Blubber can be used for apart from oil and stuff.




  1. nice report on blue whales there probably one of my favourite sea creature so i would give this a 10/10 and can you teach me the word Euphausiacea?

  2. welldone i like it

  3. balaenoptera I like the Name for the Scientific
    for the bule whale.

  4. Good use of paragraphs and sub headings to organise your ideas.


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