Narrative Planning Sheet
L.I. - I am learning to plan for my writing.
S. C. - Think about the beginning, middle, and end.
Draw/brainstorm my plan
I was engulfing a scrumptious Pepperoni Pizza. Not my first one, but somehow it made my mouth water.
Pizza from Dominos is better than PizzaHut, I thought.
And it really was true.
All I could hear for the next 15 minutes were my family members talking about how Dominos was better than PizzaHut, and they swore to Mum, who always bought everything, they would never speak of PizzaHut again.
And as much as I hated to join the party, I just couldn’t disagree with them
Even though I hardly agree with them.
What a milestone, I voiced in my head.
I finished my dinner then I went on to read my book. The Death cure.
It was a good book, from a very good author, I've forgotten who. After 15 minutes of reading, I go to make myself some toast.
I do exactly as Dad says.
“¼ on the knife, plop it on the bread, not the left or right but the top of the butter knife, spread, and put in the breader!” He called the toaster the breader. Like how you put bread in the toaster, but for him, you put toast in the breader.
Dads, I thought.
I washed the butter knife and put it back in the cutlery draw.
I don't know how, but it was said that we have the most expensive cutlery.
Mum would freak if she found one missing.
But I did.
I checked the dishwasher, which I found empty to my disbelief.
Mum still hasn't found out that one of her most prized possessions was gone.
So, I decided to play it cool.
No one had to find out, especially her.
This was going to be a calm, normal day.
Mum burst out of her room in tears.
“My Diamond ring is gone!!! Please say you have it, Phoebe.”.
She responded with a quick, subtle shake of the head.
I wish I could have said yes, but I just couldn’t have.
I didn’t have her ring.
She looked at me in hope, hoping I would say yes.
But I decided not to open my mouth, and instead leave my mother in tears.
If I had fibbed, she would have asked me where.
I knew her too well.
I went upstairs to my room when without warning, a voice boomed out the door two rooms to my right.
“Alex! Where is my phone that you used last without my permission!”, He yelled.
He had some unusual habits, but the times that they struck, were even weirder.
I didn’t have the energy to yell from that distance, so I paused my game and stomped my way, elephant style, to his room where he was, sat on his leather chair, giving me that famous eyebrow that he always gives, and crossed his arms.
That’s how he tells me he’s serious.
“I believe you have my phone young man”, he said, and I was sure to be dumb to think it was a question.
He stared at me, not blinking for a whole minute.
Impossible. He can’t even resist blinking for 10 seconds, let alone 1 minute, I thought.
“Uh, wrong child dad”, I replied as I made for the door.
Unfortunately for me, he kicked the broom next to his foot and it knocked the door shut.
Then, he threw his pen and it locked the door, and then he got up.
“I’ll try again, young man. My phone?”.
“Try Phoebe”, I responded.
“Phoebe was studying at her bestie’s house for her upcoming exams. How and why would she hide my phone? Besides, I really need my phone and in case you haven’t noticed, Mum is at work so she can’t ring my phone. For the third time, my phone?!”He asked again, but this time with a hint of anger in his voice.
He seemed reasonably calm when I entered the door before.
“I swear on my life Dad, I don’t have it!”, I yelled at him, almost crying.
“Ok then. THen why is it not on the charger?”.
“I don’t know?”, I said.
“You're free then.”
“Finally”, I said under my breath.
“That’s it! You sit here and don’t move, you understand? Don’t be cheeky with me just because I took long to ask where my device was. You have no right and now sit here until your bedtime”, Dad said and then he locked the door for extra measures.
Dumb, I thought.
He just locked himself out, and luckily for me, I could have just monkeyed around for the time being.
But I didn't.
Because I’m a good guy.
The best in the house, actually.
-The next day-
Phoebe came back with 200 dollars yesterday.
Same amount as Dad’s missing phone.
“Where did you get all that stuff in your bag, Phoebe? I thought you spent all your allowance yesterday”, Mum said.
Phoebe ignored her and went up to her room, maintaining the same face all the way.
-The next day-
I was finishing my favourite book, ( not the one I was reading after dinner three nights ago) when the door opened.
There stood Phoebe with again, a full bag.
And once again, she went straight to her room, without a single word.
Mum and Dad were completely baffled.
Had Phoebe got a job?
Mum thought that was impossible.
I mean, her highest grade was a D, so how could she have gotten a job at sixteen?
This mystery is definitely one worth solving, Mum thought.
“Phoebe. Can you please explain to us how and why you have been coming home with money, heaps of money? Have you been stealing?”, Mum asked with a tone in her voice that showed she was worried, and also angry.
“I won the lotto for 500,000 dollars, Mum. I have been trying to tell you guys before we had pizza, but you said it was probably only 500,000 cents. Still though.
I guess that explains why you guys didn’t know how much 500000 cents would be because you never were good in Math! Cents or dollars, Mum, I would have still had 50000 dollars, and enough to buy the new car you have always wanted”, Phoebe explained.
Mum went to the cutlery draw, for no particular reason at all.
One look on her face could tell someone better start fessing up, or she’d go rigid.
“Where are all the forks!?”, Mum asked angrily.
Her rigid state was already starting.
I and Phoebe stood there, speechless.
“I swear to god Alex. You were the last one that touched the cutlery draw when we were having pizza. Where are they?”, Mum asked me, and I could tell that Phoebe was in the clear, at least for now.
“I promise Mum, I didn’t do anything to them!”, I said, trying not to cry.
“I will be your saviour, Alex. Mum. I sold them to get your guys’ attention”, Phobe said.
“You made it obvious. Your lying.”.
“I’m not”.
“Let’s say I believe you. Why would you do this?”, She asked.
“I already told you”, Phoebe responded.
All this commotion was happening while I stood with tears in my eyes, and Dad’s jaw hit the ground.
Then, to end all of this, she went up into her room and came back with a duffel bag.
“Take a look inside”, she said.
Mum gasped.
“Good grief, we are rich!”.
“Oh and Mum. I just wanted to return your stuff that I sold. I know it’s not the same but-”.
“No buts Phoebe! This is even better than those rusty old things I had before”.
The way she described them made me smile.
“Oh and here you go, Alex”.
“Oh my gosh, Phoebe you are the best! How can I ever repay you?”, I asked, so happy to see what was in my arms.
“Don’t. In the right hands, this money will last until you graduate”.
“Alex. We owe you an apology. We are very sorry for thinking that you would hide our stuff like that. Truce?”, Mum asked on behalf of her and Dad.
The thought of her saying that made me pinch myself, but yet I still nodded in agreement.
My sleep was wonderful.
I dreamed about a tomorrow.
A tomorrow where the sun would be smiling, and the birds would be chirping happily.
A tomorrow, where there would be nothing but positive vibes.
A tomorrow, where everyone on this planet would want every single day of their lives
The best Tomorrow.
“Alex! Where are my car keys?”, Mum asked when she was about to hop in the car to drop Phoebe at Amelia’s place.
Oh dear.
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